We Should Have Father's Day
I want a day
I want you to want a day
I want for we want a day
... a Father's Day
If there is no father,
there is no you
If there is only mother,
then are there you?
I want a day
I want you to want a day
I want for we want a day
... a Father's Day
Honoring fathers
Celebrating fatherhood
Male parenting and paternal bonds
The influence of fathers
I want a day
I want you to want a day
I want for we want a day
... a Father's Day
December 22nd is...
Mother's Day,
in Indonesia,
... but when is Father's Day?
I want a day
I want you to want a day
I want for we want a day
... a Father's Day
While parents consist of mother and father
Father's Day will complement Mother's Day